Usage Statistics
Usage statistics show how many AskAway sessions are requested by students from your institution.
Visit the Usage Statistics by Section page to download usage statistics by Section. Each spreadsheet includes usage statistics per institution, totals for the service, and the average number of chats per day in each Section. Reports can also be generated in LibraryH3lp according to the timeframe and queues (ie. institutional queue and/or proactive chat) of your choosing.
Step-by-step instructions for retrieving usage statistics for your library are available through the Local Coordinator FAQs:
Session Data
Session data gives detailed information about each question. Some examples of information available include date and time the chat arrived, wait time, session duration, and tags applied by service providers.
Step-by-step instructions for retrieving session data for your library are available through the Local Coordinator FAQs:
Other Types of Data
Other types of data and statistics provided by the AskAway Admin Centre can be found in:
- Student Survey responses
- Annual reports
- Newsletters
- Any trends or shifts in student usage will be communicated to local coordinators in regular meetings and to the Advisory Committee
The AskAway Admin Centre is here to support you. Please contact us for assistance as needed.