Did you know? Primary Sources and Peer reviewed articles
Submitted by admin-boss on
Did you know that the AskAway Wiki has:
Submitted by admin-boss on
Did you know that the AskAway Wiki has:
Submitted by admin-boss on
If anyone gets a question from a UBC student researching women in rural areas during the great depression, send her to JSTOR!
There's a bijillion articles with the Basic search: women rural "great depression"
She gets a lost connection fairly quickly, but once she knows where to search, she'll be fine.
- Niki
Submitted by admin-boss on
Since the public library "side" of AskAway is still behind a picket line, we may see a few questions from public library patrons. Here are a few tools that you can use to help them:
Public Libraries' Delicious bookmarks:
For those of you not familiar with Delicious, use the Tags on the right side of the screen to select a topic, e.g. Climate_Change
Then, select a link from the left side of the screen.
List of Free (academic) databases:
Submitted by admin-boss on
Scenario: You're online, and a new question comes up. You go to answer it, and another librarian, who already has a question, gets there first.
Why have they grabbed two (or more) questions, when you don't have any?
It could be that this librarian has a "mad disconnecter" - that is, a patron who keeps losing their internet connection, and returning to the service. The librarian may not have time to close all of those lost calls, or they may need to keep them open for reference.
How can you determine if your colleague has a mad disconnecter, or is being swamped?
Submitted by admin-boss on
At the request of a service provider, we've added a new script to our arsenal: Begin - Transcript. The scripts reads:
Don't worry about writing all this information down. At the end of our session you’ll have the option of receiving a transcript of our conversation, along with all the URLs we visited.
Submitted by admin-boss on
A few changes have been made to the Guest Logins page. These changes reflect issues that have been reported with guest logins. Please remember to click Refresh on your browser to retrieve the newest version.