SFU Library Updates - MFA requirement and Questions from Canvas (LMS)

Update from SFU Library to service providers:

Below, you'll find some helpful information about SFU Library for those new to AskAway this term:

Multi-factor Authentication required to access Library resources:
The MFA requirement was implemented last semester. For links to instructions on setting up MFA, who to contact if there are problems (SFU IT not the Library), and browser tips if they encounter the message "Service access denied due to missing privileges" refer users to Logging in from off campus? MFA is now required. Links have been added to SFU AskAway Policy page under Database authentication and Technical help.

AskAway link in Canvas:
Since Fall 2020, SFU has had a link to AskAway in Canvas (just the logo image), but without any context about what kind of help AskAway provides due to restrictions of the LMS. Many students may not understand that AskAway is for research help and click the link seeking help with Canvas issues, such as accessing readings or locating webinars. On the SFU AskAway policy page (https://www.lib.sfu.ca/help/askaway-policy) you’ll find links for Canvas help under Technical help for both students and instructors. The link provides students with troubleshooting/FAQs and ways to get help from SFU IT services.

*NOTE: Often these chats do turn into research help ones once students understand what it’s for! We greatly appreciate the assistance provided to our students who may access the service in this way.