Three New AskAway Tags

There are three new tags that you can now apply to your AskAway chat sessions in LibraryH3lp: Copyright, Course Reserves, and Open Education.

These tags were recommended by AskAway participants and will help the service and libraries better understand student needs in these areas.

Questions relating to copyright. This includes questions about fair dealing, open licenses, and referrals to a copyright specialist.

Course Reserves
Questions concerning course reserves material. For example, an instructor asking how to submit a course reserve request or a student asking about the loan period for a reserve item. In some cases, it may be appropriate to apply an additional tag such as Circulation.

Open Education
When a service provider explains or provides access to Open Access, Open Education, or Open Textbook resources. This includes questions about no-cost textbook options, for example a student looking for an older version of a textbook from the library.

Tagging a chat in LibraryH3lp with the three new tags

Image: Showing the three new tags in LibraryH3lp.

The Interlibrary Loan tag has also been updated to include (ILL) so that it is faster to bring up in the drop-down list by typing ILL.

Image: Showing the new ILL shortcut in LibraryH3lp.

The Tags page has been updated with the new tags and defintions.

Refresher on Tags

Tags allow the service to track what kinds of questions are being asked and paint an accurate picture of students' chat reference needs.

How to Apply Tags

  • Apply tags to every chat session if possible
  • You can apply tags during the session or at the end of a session
  • Apply up to four tags to each session
  • If you select a tag by accident, click "x" to remove it

You should use your own judgement when deciding if a tag is an appropriate description for the chat or not. If you have any questions about tags or suggestions for additions / deletion, please contact the AskAway Admin Centre.